Turnkey Solution Based on LoRaWAN ™ Technology
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LoRa (Long Range)

LoRa (Long Range) is one of the standards for the technology of an energy efficient network with a large range of LPWAN, intended for inter-machine interactions, data collection from sensors, Internet applications of things.

LoRaWAN networks are already available in 250 cities and 34 countries, including Russia. For example, in the Netherlands they decided to "build" a smart city based on LoRaWAN. The use of sensors in such net work siswide.

Already, the effectiveness of mobile environmental monitoring stations with the help of LoRaWAN is estimated in Glasgow. Restaurants optimize the supply of food, and farmers reduce the cost of watering plants and achieve greater yield. The cost of acquisition and maintenance of sensors are minimal, analysts emphasize.

At the same time, LoRaWAN networks have other advantages. LoRaWAN has several classes of finite devices:

  • Class A - Terminals with two-way connection: Data transmission on the uplink and downlink at any time as required;
  • Class B - Terminals with certain reception intervals: the terminal device can receive data from the server at predetermined intervals;
  • Class C - Terminals with the maximum possible reception interval: Endpoints are almost always ready to receive data, however, during the transfer, the receiving window is closed.

LoRa is actively used in such areas as:

  • Housing - automatic reading of real-time readings from meters installed in homes;
  • Healthcare - reading of data from sensors installed on the human body, for example, heart rate monitor, temperature, pressure sensor, etc .;
  • agriculture - control of soil moisture and alkalinity, temperature, illumination;
  • Smart home applications - management of various systems inside the building.
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